Antimatter Isn't Just Science Fiction!
I enjoy sharing my enthusiasm for science with the community. One of the ways I do this is by giving presentations about experimental particle physics which are suitable for the general public. Topics can range from antimatter to the search for the Higgs boson. These presentations are usually about 50 minutes long, followed by enough time for all the fantastic questions from the audience. I can also offer shorter talks and remote presentations.
I have a particular interest in promoting Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math). This includes encouraging girls and young women to study STEM subjects. In a presentation for this audience, I would present some exciting science, highlight several important women in science, and discuss my own experiences as a woman working in physics.
Here are some of the previous outreach activities I've been involved in:
- Lecture: Meet a Particle Physicist, Vaughan Public Libraries STEAM Careers program for Grades 3-8, February 12, 2022
- Lecture: the Mysterious Magnetic Monopole, Women in Physics Canada: WIPC 2019 Conference, McGill University, June 25-28, 2019
- Participant in the week-long Cultural Collisions in Canada event at the Ontario Science Centre in 2018. This event provided an innovative learning experience for high school teachers and students that integrated science, focusing on particle and astrophysics, and the arts. The week-long event won an award from the Ministry of Education. More information is provided in the public report and presentation.
- Panel member: Metamorphosis Girls STEM Conference, March 2017
- Lecture: Antimatter: From the Subatomic to the Cosmological Scales, Royal Astronomical Society of Canada Mississauga, May 2016
- Panel member: Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, York Science/Toronto Public Library event, December 2015
- Lecture: Antimatter Isn't Just Science Fiction!, York Science/Toronto Public Library Series, October 2015
- Panel member: Particle Fever documentary screening, Bloor Cinema, March 2014

High School Physics Teachers Night